21 Important Life Lessons From “Rugrats’” Angelica Pickles

    The Rugrats’ resident queen bee may have been a bossy narcissist, but she always got what she wanted out of life.

    1. It's important to always make "me" time:

    2. Your bedroom should reflect who you are:

    3. Always know your good side when taking photos:

    4. Sometimes you just need to tell people the truth, even if it will destroy them:

    5. Know how to handle a breakup:

    6. Don't ever take anything at face value and always question the truth:

    7. Know how to give powerful stinkface:

    8. It's important to have a trusted confidant:

    9. Know when to play your cards to make a power move:

    10. It's OK to have an ugly cry every once in a while:

    11. And a good scream:

    12. That everyone -- even the haters -- want to be like you:

    13. One is NEVER enough:

    14. It's OK to indulge a little every once in a while:

    15. Know the power of makeup:

    16. Don't waste your time with people who annoy you:

    17. Always know how to stare down an opponent:

    18. It's important to take out your frustrations and anger in an appropriate way:

    19. Always be honest with your friends:

    20. Accept the fact that people will never fully appreciate all of your fabulousness:

    21. But the most important lesson: Eating a cookie will solve any problem.