This Woman's Rental Application Was Rejected Because "All Australians Are Drunks And Racists"

    "It is fact Australia is the most racist nation," the landlord told Laura Grattan. "Your people are so open about it as well."

    Twenty four-year-old Australian woman Laura Grattan had her rental application for a flat in Scotland rejected because she was Australian.

    The landlord informed her via text message that all Australians were renowned racists and drunks in Europe, and that because of this she would not be getting the £400 per month apartment.

    "When I first received the response I thought it was a joke," said Laura, "but then I realised that he was being serious," Laura told Caters News.

    "I was angry and frustrated that someone could think like this and say it to me just because of where I was from."

    "I think I am the complete opposite from what he described and I never treat anyone differently based on where they come from."

    Laura responded by calling the landlord racist and damning him for "putting such labels and speculations on a whole race without knowing the individual."

    The landlord responded almost instantly, saying they just didn't want to take the risk of having an Australian living in their property. "It is fact Australia is the most racist nation," he said. "Your people are so open about it as well."

    Despite her attempts at conversing with the landlord, Laura said she "didn't get anywhere" with the rental application and that the landlord stood firm in his beliefs.

    A spokesperson for the company hosting the rental advertisement,, said this kind of thing would be removed if spotted by the company on an advertisement, but it can't control what people message to each other.

    "Messages are a different matter as we don't know unless someone complains, which hasn't happened in this case," the spokesman said.

    "We'd always expect people to take each other on the basis of who they are, rather than which 'boxes' they tick."