16 Times Jaden Smith Said Things That No 16-Year-Old Could Think Of

    He turned 16 long ago...

    1. When he ridiculed the doctrine of pop culture.

    Anything You See In Any Magazine Ever Is Fake.

    2. When he explained why he has to lie.

    Either I Lie To You Or We Cry Together

    3. And then explained how lies are formed.

    The Moment That Truth Is Organized It Becomes A Lie.

    4. When he described the brutal destruction society launches against those who know who they are and why they are here.

    You Do Not Know Who You Are Or Why Your Here So When You See Someone Who Dose The Society Comes Together As A Whole And Destroys Them.

    5. When he taught us that there were more important things than the 1 percent and the 99 percent.

    People Think A RelationShip Makes You Whole, That It's Two 50%'s Coming Together To Make 100% When It Should Be Two 100%'s Making 200%•••

    6. And when he told us he was there for us, to whisper sweet nothings into our ears.

    I'm Here If You Need A Fellow Insane Person To Talk To. But I'm Seriously Here Not Like One Of Those I'm Here For You's That Everybody Says.

    7. When he ousted his hatters.

    If Everybody Got To Meet Me In Real Life, 50% Of My Fans Would Hate Me And 50% of My Hatters Would Love Me.

    8. When he figured out what we all ignore.

    There Is No Nutrients In Our Food Anymore Or In Our Soil OR IN OUR WATER.

    9. Or when he urged the human consciousness to raise.

    I Should Just Stop Tweeting, The Human Consciousness Must Raise Before I Speak My Juvenile Philosophy. Shouts Out To @TIME

    10. When the beauty of nature became so...clear...

    Trees Are Never Sad Look At Them Every Once In Awhile They're Quite Beautiful.

    11. When he taught us all not to get taught.

    If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society.

    12. When he professed the intelligence of newborns.

    If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth.

    13. And he questioned the functionality and ability of every book store in this small, sad world.

    If A Book Store Never Runs Out Of A Certain Book, Dose That Mean That Nobody Reads It, Or Everybody Reads It

    14. When he crushed his non-believers.

    15. And preached the TRUTH.

    You Think You Get It. YOU DONT YOU DONT YOU DONT!!!!!!!

    16. And finally, this time last year when he revealed his inner demons.

    "It's Your Birthday" Mateo Said. I Didn't Respond. "Are You Not Excited To Be 15" He Asked. Reading My Book I Uttered "I Turned 15 Long Ago"