Can You Make It Through This Post Without Having An Existential Crisis?

    Does it even matter?

    This is you. You are a living, breathing, thing.

    One day, you are going to die.

    Yes, it's true. Despite all your goals and your dreams and your accomplishments, one day you are going to die.

    You are not invincible, and though you may now realise this - there is nothing you can do to stop death.

    BUT, you are alive now (you won't always be), and not everyone truly knows this.

    So write down your bucket list. Find the things you used to love, and rekindle the flames of your romance. Urge your body to be more.

    Because really, none of it matters.

    Life is absurd. Realise this. We're just flesh puppets toppling about on a huge, sun-orbiting planet, with no end in sight. The world will go on without you. Society will go on without you.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be, well... you.

    Stop thinking about "being" and just "be."

    Take risks, swim laps. Parachute and bungee jump. Be the best that you can be (even if it doesn't matter).

    No one has all the answers. No one has the "right" answers. Some just have answers that are better than others.

    And that's OK. :)

    So keep on keepin' on, because it's the only thing you can rely on.