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    10 Things Only A Liaison For Bollywood America Would Understand

    Our former liaisons know what we're talking about.

    1. The amazing feeling of being THE superhero for your team.

    2. Insider access to the most prestigious filmi-fusion dance competition in the nation!

    3. Forming friendships with awesome people who share the same obsessions as you.

    4. The satisfaction of playing a vital role in helping an all-star team prepare for the most important competition of the season

    5. The insane amount of fun you have partying with a bunch of brown people.

    6. Having one of the most glamorous positions Bollywood America has to offer.

    7. FREE Bollywood America gear. Enough said.

    8. Memorizing your team's choreography after you watch them practice at least 20 times throughout the weekend.

    9. You may not talk to them over the weekend, but you still add every Board member's phone number in your contacts.

    10. Loss of voice as a result of yelling your team's chant all weekend.