22 Struggles That Sum Up What It's Like To Be Lazily Ambitious

    CBA levels at 100.

    1. You make New Year's resolutions every year but you've forgotten them all within a week.

    2. You want to leave your retail job and start a career somewhere else but after looking through one page of a job website, you begin to think another year of retail wouldn't be so bad after all.

    3. You want a promotion but still do the bare minimum of work because sleep.

    4. If there's a shortcut to getting something done, you'll take it, even if it means the job won't be done as well it needs to be.

    5. Even though you're not quite done, you leave work at dead on the hour because you're not paid for that extra three minutes it would take to finish up.

    6. You want to develop a network of work friends but then you realise that requires after work hours and you're just not sure you can commit to that.

    7. You want to be the boss of your company, but then you think of all the effort it takes to get there and you start to come up with a plan B instead.

    8. You set an alarm to get out of bed early so you can go to the gym before work. By the time the alarm goes off, you realise what a bad idea that was and snooze it for two hours.

    9. You want to have the perfect beach body but after three sit-ups and no difference, you decide to work on it another time.

    I just did a sit up, why am I still fat.

    Probably Monday.

    10. Everything can basically wait until tomorrow.

    11. Or next week.


    12. You make plans for tomorrow almost every night.

    making plans with myself for tomorrow 🙆

    13. But by the time tomorrow evening comes, you've done one of ten things on the list and you're not sure where the day went.

    14. To clarify, the day went on while you were sitting on your butt telling yourself you'd do what you needed to do in a minute.

    My grandmother worked in a factory for 17hr shifts during the war and I'm too tired to write entire words when I text.

    15. That doesn't mean you don't sit and think about all the things you want to become.

    16. For example you want to do a skydive for charity.

    17. Or you want to travel the world.

    18. Maybe you want to be Beyoncé.

    teacher: what do you want to be when you grow up? me: Beyonce

    19. You're just slow in taking action.

    20. And by slow in action, we mean you're not moving at all because you're too busy on the sofa.

    21. Basically, you want to run the world...

    22. ...but bed.