19 Things You'll Understand If You're Slightly Obsessed With Masturbating

    My right arm is bigger for a reason.

    1. Your internet history is a dreadful read.

    2. You masturbate at least once a day.

    3. But sometimes once a day just isn't enough.

    4. There are times where you could masturbate all day.

    5. You've got masturbating down to a science, which means you can get off in 43 seconds flat if you want to.

    6. But sometimes you like to draw it out and make it last longer.

    7. You find that masturbating is de-stressing at times.

    8. You do it when you're bored, even if you're not exceptionally horny.

    9. Sometimes you'd rather masturbate than have sex.

    10. If somebody else does it to you, you can't help but think how much more efficient it would be if you just took over.

    11. You've experimented with techniques and toys to try and mix it up.

    12. You have masturbated in some strange and interesting places.

    13. But you've learnt to never ejaculate in the bath.

    14. You've probably been caught masturbating at one point in your life.

    15. You feel a sense of achievement if you masturbate more than a certain number of times.

    16. And you're genuinely surprised when you realise you haven't done it in a while.

    17. You've wondered if masturbating is counted as a workout because of that one time you did it for too long and your arm felt like it was going to drop off.

    18. You sometimes wonder if you masturbate too much.

    19. Then you realise that's silly, of course you don't.