Paid Post

12 Victories Non-Morning People Understand

We can’t all be awake all the time. Start your awake hours right with belVita bites along with a serving of fruit and low-fat dairy, to help you start your morning with four hours of nutritious, steady energy.

1. You only slept through your first alarm.

2. You had the wherewithal to get a clean spoon for your coffee.

3. You answered an email from bed and didn't sound like you wanted to destroy the entirety of the human race!

4. You waited until the shower was warm to get in.

5. Your hair has what some would describe as a "style."

6. You ended up with matching socks -- on the first try.

7. You unplugged your phone without ripping your charger out of the wall.

8. You only spilled half your coffee.

9. You left when you wanted to leave, and not at the drop-dead OMG-get-out-the-door-RIGHT-NOW-WHAT-ARE-YOU-DOING?!? time you usually leave.

10. You picked the right lane for avoiding traffic.

11. You got to work *just* before your boss.

12. You said something witty on your conference call.

And you didn't want to hit reply all and so you DIDN'T hit reply all.

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