What's Your Chinese Celebrity Nickname?

All stars of sound and screen have nicknames in China. Find out yours with our nickname generator!

Think of a celebrity. Any celebrity. Odds are they're called something entirely different in China, thanks to translations and a love of wordplay. And some of the nicknames the Chinese media and internet gives them are ~amazing~.

For example, Nicki Minaj is known as 麻辣鸡 / Ma La Ji — which literally translates to "Numbing Spicy Chicken." A flubbed interview with a Taiwanese newsperson led to Leonardo DiCaprio being called "Pikachu." And James Franco has the less than appealing nickname of 腐兰兰 / Fu Lan Lan — or "Rotten Orchard."

Here's some of our favorite of those nicknames. Scroll all the way down to figure out what your Chinese celebrity nickname would be!

Fruit Sister (水果姐 / Shui Guo Jie)

Curly Blessing (卷福 / Juan Fu)

Mold Mold (霉霉/ Mei Mei)

Boss Jia (贾老板/ Jia Lao Ban)

Dick (丁日/ Ding Ri)

So what's yours? Find out here!

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