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10 Meat Terms You Never Understood… Until Now

For those of us who’ve always been confused when reading recipes and steakhouse menus! We’re all a little more confident in our cooking and dining, thanks to Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.

1. "Braise"

2. "Cube Meat"

3. "Denude"

4. "Deglaze"

Deglazing a pan is the technique of using liquid to loosen the caramelized bits of food and drippings at the bottom of the pan after cooking meat. Turn the heat up high, pour in some stock, wine, or simply water, and scrape the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula. The resulting liquid makes an excellent base for a sauce or gravy!

5. "Dry Heat Cooking"

6. "Marinade"

7. "Rub"

8. "Roast"

9. "Sear"

10. "Temperature"

And now that you’re versed in meat terminology, it’s time to cook up some beef.

Beef. It's What's For Dinner. Learn more about beef and discover new recipes!

All images courtesy of The Beef Checkoff.