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The World’s Coolest University Dorm

This place puts all other dorms to shame. Tietgen Student Hall (Tietgenkollegiet) is a large circular dormitory with a massive interior courtyard in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Life Of Flowers

Take 2:30 seconds to watch this time-lapse video. You won't regret it.

7 Pictures Of Gabby Giffords Climbing The French Alps

The former Congresswoman, who was almost killed in a shooting last January, scaled the French Alps with her husband astronaut Mark Kelly. The trip was part of a milestone to unveil a plate for the 100th anniversary of the discovery of cosmic rays by Victor Hess.

How To Get Summer's 27 Best Hairstyles

Sometimes it takes a little work to get that effortless, romantic summer look. Here are 27 styles with how-to diagrams to try for everything from that wedding you have to attend to a day at the beach.

25 Reasons Food Is More Awesome On A Stick

From designer cake pops to healthy frozen grape "popsicles" to good old fashioned corn dogs, there's something about eating anything from a stick that will always make you feel like a kid again. Enjoy these pictures and recipes... I'll just be over here waiting for someone to bring me a half dozen of those tiny mac and cheese quesadillas on sticks. Stat!

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