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President Obama Goes Christmas Shopping In Virginia

The president and his two daughters, Sasha and Malia, went shopping Saturday at One More Page Books in Arlington. The president bought about 15 books, according to the White House pool report.

Why PSY Is The New King Of YouTube

We, as citizens of the internet, have lived under the tyranny of Justin Bieber for too long. "Gangnam Style" has overtaken "Baby" in views, and it won't be long until the Canadian upstart is a distant memory. Here's why:

Self-Taught Teen Wows MIT

Completely self-taught, Kelvin Doe is an engineering prodigy from Sierra Leone, Africa. He's the youngest person ever to be invited to MIT's Visiting Practitioner's Program for international development.

20 Rare Color Photos From World War II

These beautiful images were taken by photographers working for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) and later the Office of War Information. [Ed. note — We've seen photos like this before, but it never hurts to take another look.]

24 Cute And Incredibly Useful Gift Wrap DIYs

Even if you run out of wrapping paper or ribbon or boxes you can still make a gift look fabulous with things you have lying around the house. Because, let's face it, what's on the outside does count.

17 Pinterest Fails

Pinterest — 1, Hopeful Bakers & Crafters — 0

15 Forgotten TV Shows Of The '90s

We found these '90s shows buried under the couch cushions next to the VHS remote, an American Gladiators trading card, and a still-wrapped Capri Sun straw.

8 Pizza Delivery Instructions To Make Your Day

Not since the time of the Ninja Turtles have we seen such creativity and heroism from our pizza delivery people. Time to go order some pizza!

Toddler Dresses As Her Cat

So awkward when you both show up wearing the same outfit. These two handle it well though, I think.

Facebook Is No Place For A Gentleman

Sir Tobias Eldridge is getting real tired of your shit. All he wanted was to let ma'am know that sir was busy.

41 Delicious Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

Hey, so I'm pretty sure Thanksgiving is coming up pretty soon? If you or your guests are vegan or vegetarian, you'll need something delicious for said herbivores to eat. Here are some such things! Enjoy!

"Least Likely To Be Adopted" Project

NYC-based photographer and artist LaNola Stone wanted to help her local animal shelter, so she created this photography series of the dogs who had been at the shelter for the longest time.

Possums Rule Everything Around Me

P.R.E.A.M. [Ed. note — What're your thoughts on possums? Cute or terrifying? Pro or con? PLEASE LET US KNOW BECAUSE WE ARE DIVIDED ON THIS ISSUE.]

11 Things I Learned From Blanche Devereaux

Sure, the Golden Girl was a slut. But the 50-year-old mattress taught me — and a legion of gay boys everywhere — important life lessons.

World's Coolest Grocery List

Sure, the store would be closed by the time you finish making the list, but this is great.

Nathan Fillion As Captain Canada

Those maple trees aren't going to defend themselves! As a native Canadian, Fillion paid homage to the Internet's version of his country's superhero.

20 Easy Tricks For Improving Vintage Clothes

Thrifting can be awesome (clothes are cheaper and more unique, you get a smug sense of accomplishment), but sometimes things just don't fit right. Here's how to make even the most unlikely finds work for you.

Puppies Hate Growing Up

Being an adult sucks. One day you wake up and your secret fort is too small.

Most Heartwarming Darth Vader Video Of All Time

A returning veteran dresses up like Darth Vader and surprises his son at his birthday party. If this doesn't warrant one of your "awwww" special reactions, then I don't know what will.

How A True Badass Deals With Adversity

When meningitis took all four limbs, Pedro Pimenta responded with strength and determination. Here's his story, captured only in pictures.

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