15 Times Vegans Made “Spot The Vegan” Way Too Easy

    Know how you can spot a vegan? Read the comments on this post.

    1. They’ll be the ones commenting on your status updates:

    2. They'll be the ones who will take any opportunity to let you know they're vegan:

    3. They'll be ones constantly scanning tumblr for mentions of "vegans":

    4. They'll be the ones ruining your prom proposals:

    5. They'll be the ones coming up with the most metal descriptions of fast food of all time:

    6. They'll be the ones setting reasonable regulations for the meat industry:

    7. They'll be the ones revealing themselves before the dinner party even begins:

    8. They’ll be the ones prefacing all their correspondence with “(vegan)”:

    9. They'll be the ones instantly losing control of their own diatribes:

    10. They'll be the ones crying over their breakfast of raw veggies:

    11. They’ll be the ones ruining a perfectly good game of “spot the 12-year-old”:

    12. They'll be the ones saying "mmm" about dry toast:

    13. They’ll be the ones fundamentally misunderstanding the process of cheese making:

    14. They'll be the ones crapping all over this little goldfish's parade:

    15. They'll be the ones making innuendos about protein: