Why Allergies Will Ruin Your Spring

    They say spring is in the air. It's actually just pollen.

    If you have allergies, spring is the absolute worst.

    The sneezing.


    Watery eyes.

    Dry mouth.


    And drowsiness.

    All together, it's enough to bring a guy down.

    Especially when all of your friends are having so much fun.

    They love spring.

    Soaking up the sun.

    Wearing pastels.

    Laying out.

    Smelling fresh flowers.

    Frolicking through fields.

    But every time you go outside, you're just like:

    Really all you want to do is sleep.

    Surf the Internet for a while.

    And crawl into a dark cave far away from high pollen counts and mold spores.

    But regardless of how you feel, spring is here.

    So go on— dive right in.

    And if you can't beat them, join them.