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Things That Always Happen At A British Barbecue

The great British barbecue is a time-old tradition. Want to make your barbecue go with a bang? Check out Asda's American Style barbecue range.

Summer has finally arrived - so you check the weather:

You announce: "Friends, let me host a barbecue party at mine!"

1. You realise that you haven't got any food…

Then try and carry it home on the bus, making your hand turn into a numb criss-crossed claw

2. No one shows up at the allotted time

3. The weird guys from work, who you only invited to be polite, show up first

4. Quickly followed by the person who brings cheap, cardboard-y sausages…

5. You can't get the barbecue started

6. Then you're a bit surprised when it finally works

7. All the men gather caveman-like around the fire

Where they take part in the age-old primitive ritual of insulting the fire-creator's barbecuing technique.

8. It takes you a few tries to get the delicate balance between charred and destroyed

we had a barbecue and my mum burnt all the meat and

9. You cut the sausages open…

The first sausages are off the grill and they meet all the requirements of a British barbecue: burnt on the outside, raw inside.

10. The chicken legs are good though

11. You'll either have too many burger buns or not enough

12. Someone bring along their mate Dave

13. All indoor chairs will be commandeered for outside

14. A wasp will be spotted

15. Someone brings those little French beers

16. It rains

A proper British barbecue happening here. Under an umbrella.

Typical British barbecue, Dad carrying on cooking though #ineedmyfood

17. Your dog makes a new best friend

18. You'll realise that it's actually a bit too cold to be sitting outside

19. You go to bed meat-stuffed and happy

Make sure your barbecue sizzles off to a good start with ASDA’s American inspired barbecue range.

View this video on YouTube

Need more inspiration? There's loads of delicious recipes from Asda here.