29 Mind-Bending Works Of 3D Street Art You Need To See

    Who knew a little chalk could create so much.

    1. A swimming pool you just want to dive into.

    2. An underground world you wouldn't mind exploring.

    3. The typical lazy Sunday with music and a pet.

    4. This enchanting passage to a world beneath the sea.

    5. A waterfall at the zoo in the Czech Republic.

    6. A giant in serious need of his vitamins.

    7. A rickety bridge you should probably avoid.

    8. A glimpse into the vacation you've always wanted.

    9. The fiery pits of hell.

    10. An army preparing for battle.

    11. A zen moment.

    12. The beautiful yet terrifying gap in the valley.

    13. This mutant critter who refuses to be your lunch.

    14. A chain smoker and the effects his actions cause.

    15. A grizzly and a dog, hanging by the river.

    16. An owl delivering a message from the Wizarding World.

    17. A trip to the aquarium to see the Orcas.

    18. An example of why we should be happy dinosaurs no longer exist.

    19. A couple of swans gracefully swimming in the nearby lake.

    20. A magic carpet ride.

    21. An angel watching over.

    22. A boating trip on a warm, summer day.

    23. A look into Poseidon's world.

    24. This bird's eye view of Seattle.

    25. A hangout with some pretty cute penguins.

    26. And a little Beatles action.

    27. A risky moment with some hungry crocs.

    28. A brave walk across the bridge.

    29. And a hero in the making.

    Images provided by Street Advertising Services. Special thanks to the artists below.

    Manfred Stader

    Julian Beever

    Michael Qi

    Leon Keer

    Juandres Vera

    Nikolaj Arndt