15 Hilarious Photoshop Responses To Twitter's #1LetterWrongMovie

    This hashtag deserves all the awards.

    1. "The Hanger Games"

    2. "Deer John"

    3. "Snapes on a Plane"

    4. "Finding Emo"

    5. "Pilates of the Caribbean"

    6. "Lord of the Bings"

    7. "Perminator"

    8. "The Pimpsons"

    9. "Toyz N the Hood"

    10. "28 Days Late"

    11. "Lord of the Wings"

    12. "Jurassic Pork"

    13. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Scone"

    14. "Life of Po"

    15. "FoodFellas"