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    College Life As Described By "Arrested Development"

    "I don't understand your question and I won't respond to it."

    1. When you get back to your room after a long day:

    2. When your professor asks you for your opinion during a class discussion:

    3. When that annoying person in your class just won't stop talking.

    4. When you desperately try not to make eye contact with your professor when they ask if anyone has any questions:

    5. When your professor makes the essay opitional instead of mandatory.

    6. But then your professor says that the final exam will be cumulative.

    7. When you're taking a test and have absolutely no idea what the answers are.

    8. When the class is going to be challenging but it's too late to drop it.

    9. When you have a lot of work to do but you decide to take a nap instead:

    10. When you're in a group project and they want to start the work immediately:

    11. When you realize you did absolutely horrible on an exam you thought you aced:

    12. So you go to your professor's office hours to go over your exam:

    13. And your only response is:

    14. When you desperately try to avoid adult responsibilities:

    15. When you decide to celebrate the weekend early.

    16. When it's finally Friday night:

    17. When that weird person at the party tries to hit on you and you're not feeling it at the moment.

    18. When you become instant best friends with the other people in line for the bathroom at the party:

    19. When you finally remembered what happened last night when you went out:

    20. When you try to care more about school but you can only think of partying.

    21. That awkward moment when you can hear your roommate in the other room having sex.

    22. When your annoying roommate has friends over that you didn't know were coming over:

    23. When you overhear your roommate complaining about you to their friends.

    24. When your friend describes the attractive guy they've been seeing.

    25. When the attractive person in your class asks for your phone number:

    26. Whenever you're around someone you find attractive:

    27. Whenever you were forced to attend a meeting your RA held:

    28. When all of your adult responsibilities hit you because you're about to graduate.

    29. And once you finally graduate college: