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27 Times "Hannah Montana" Accurately Described Being A College Student

The best part is that you get to be whoever you want to be.

1. Whenever you go to a frat party:

2. When you're having fun, but suddenly remember all your responsibilities:

3. When you look in the mirror after a drunken night of fun:

4. When you hear your roommate having sex:

5. When you wake up the next morning next to a random person who you have no memory of bringing home:

6. The transformation that takes place every Friday and Saturday night:

7. When it gets to that point in the semester where you just can't seem to leave your bed.

8. Whenever that one person in class doesn't stop asking questions:

9. Whenever you go to a professor's office hours begging for help:

10. When your friend starts telling others about the guy you like:

11. Whenever you go home and feel nostalgic:

12. When you're home on break and people keep asking about your future:

13. When you tell your roommate you'll do the dishes knowing very well they won't get done:

14. Whenever you see that one couple that makes out in the worst places possible:

15. When you're sitting in class and the professor dares call on you:

16. When you just can't deal with people in your classes anymore:

17. When you fail an exam but still try to stay positive:

18. When you're in a group project and you're the only one that does the work:

19. When there's a hot guy in your class and you're not sure how you're supposed to focus on your work:

20. Looking at your long list of things to do before you graduate:

21. When your professor assigns work due Monday which means you have to work on the weekend:

22. When people tell you that you need to stop eating so much pizza:

23. When you see that you've completely forgotten to do an assignment:

24. When you're trying to navigate the world of hookups and dating:

25. When you're sitting in class trying to understand but it's going right over your head:

26. When your friends tell you all of the drunken things you did the night before that you don't remember:

27. And when you realize that college is just a roller coaster of experiences, and you wouldn't change a thing:

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