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    95 Thoughts Everyone Has When They Are Stoned AF

    "Everyone knows I’m high."

    1. That joint did not need to be shared by two people.

    2. My lungs are burning.

    3. I can't cough.

    4. I don't want to look like a loser.

    5. I need to cough.

    6. Yep. Definitely coughing.

    7. I'm so blazed.

    8. I'm such a lightweight, man.

    9. Too blazed.

    10. I can't even see out of my eyes.

    11. I wonder if everyone else is as high as I am.

    12. Are they as high as me?

    13. Can they hear me thinking this?

    14. Am I staring too much?

    15. I was sad when Pluto lost planet status.

    16. I'm happy for Pluto.

    17. I'm happy Pluto is back where he belongs.

    18. You go, Pluto.

    19. The universe is just so vast.

    20. We're all going to die one day.

    21. That's scary as fuck.

    22. I don't want to think about that.

    23. Don't think it.

    24. It'll make you freak out.

    25. You're just high.

    26. My mouth is so dry.

    27. The kitchen is so far.

    28. My parents are here.

    29. Oh my god.

    30. They know I'm high.

    31. Act cool.

    32. They definitely know.

    33. OK, they left.

    34. Are they calling the police?

    35. Am I going to jail?

    36. Fuck, I'm fucked up, man.

    37. Am I going to feel this way forever?

    38. What if I'm high for the rest of my life?

    39. My heart is racing.

    40. Am I having a heart attack?

    41. I'm definitely dying.

    42. Everyone in the world knows I'm high.

    43. I can't find my eye drops.

    44. Why is my backpack so deep.

    45. This is so trippy.

    46. I'm just going to give up until I'm less high.

    47. I'll find them later.

    48. Holy shit. Is that a police siren?

    49. Oh, thank god. It was just a siren in that Biggie song.

    50. I don't want to die one day.

    51. What is the meaning of life?

    52. Seriously man, like, what have you done with your life?

    53. There is so much I want to accomplish and so little time to accomplish it.

    54. You know?

    55. I'm starving.

    56. I'm literally so hungry I could die.

    57. Good thing I have snacks.

    58. There are so many snacks to choose from.

    59. Where do I even begin, snacks?

    60. Which one of you wants to be eaten first?

    61. Doritos. Always the answer.

    62. These chips are the most delicious chips I have ever tasted in my life.

    63. How did I eat all of those chips so fast?

    64. It was a family-sized bag.

    65. I'll just eat my other snacks.

    66. I wonder if Tupac is still alive and just hiding out.

    67. That would be so rad.

    68. I want to run a marathon.

    69. But I also just kind of want to watch television.

    70. Yeah, television FTW.

    71. I'm so sleepy.

    72. But like, not though.

    73. I want to eat more.

    74. Ice cream, yaaaaaas.

    75. Thanks, mom.

    76. Searching through my backpack again.

    77. What was I looking for?

    78. Maybe if I keep acting like I'm searching my friends won't know I forgot.

    79. Yeah, just stay focused.

    80. Oh, eye drops.

    81. Riiiiiiiiight.

    82. Here they are, the little buggers.

    83. How long have we been watching TV for? Hours?

    84. It feels like it's been twenty minutes.

    85. My buddy is going home and I'm not even high anymore.

    86. Too tired to roll a joint.

    87. Just gonna hit the bong instead.

    88. Whoa, that was a big rip.

    89. So tired.

    90. Fading.

    91. Eyes are slowly closing.

    92. Yeah, I'm passing out.

    93. It's only 9 p.m.

    94. Whatever.

    95. I'm high.

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