21 Pieces Of Advice Every College Student Can Use

    "The work never ends, but college does..."

    1. Go for the education, not the degree.

    2. Paying attention in class = less time spent on homework = more fun.

    3. Any and all class participation is a huge deal and can make a difference.

    4. If you focus in class, you might end up making new friends much more easily.

    5. But don't always lock yourself in your room to study — take breaks and relax a little.

    6. Studying isn't everything — join extracurriculars.

    7. Don't pretend to like something just to get along with people.

    8. Don't make a rookie mistake and wait until you're a senior to do an internship.

    9. If you didn't find an internship, get a job to grow your people skills.

    10. Study abroad — it's always worth it, so try to make it happen.

    11. Find a mentor who can teach you about both life and career goals.

    12. If you have trouble with productivity or with a subject, download a few apps to get your life organized.

    From homework to organization apps, there is literally an app to help with any aspect of your life.

    13. Take advantage of your college resources — from the library to the health clinic.

    14. Always buy used textbooks and sell your old ones.

    15. Embrace your strengths — you don't have to prove anything to your high school self.

    16. Never stop applying to scholarships — they're everywhere and you can find one that will hopefully help you out!

    17. Don't get too caught up in your romantic life — there's more to college than dating.

    18. If you need to take out loans, try and take out only what you need.

    19. It's OK to ask for help — get help from a tutor. If you're doing great, become a tutor and help out one of your friends!

    20. Stay in touch with your family — try to call them at least once a week.

    21. College goes by quickly — enjoy every part of it!