Gay Marriage Foes Make Free Commercial For Starbucks

    The National Organization for Marriage is calling on supporters to "dump Starbucks" because the coffee chain supports gay marriage. Now customers in favor of gay rights are pledging to drink even more coffee.

    NOM is mad about an email sent by a Starbucks exec to a number of business partners which read, in part, "Starbucks is proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington State legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples." This has already spawned one protest — Steven Andrew, president of USA Christian Ministries, said last month that “Starbucks can follow Satan if they want to," but that good Christians should quit drinking the evil, gay-marriage-supporting beverages. Now NOM says,

    In many areas of the world where Starbucks does business, the concept of 'gay marriage' is unheard of and deeply offensive to cultural, moral and religious values.

    In taking these actions, Starbucks has declared a culture war on all people of faith (and millions of others) who believe that the institution of marriage as one man and one woman is worth preserving.

    They've launched an anti-Starbucks petition, and are producing ads like this one:

    But not everyone is "deeply offended" by Starbucks's support of equal rights for all. Below, some people who will be drinking more overpriced coffee now:

    Twitter: @NorthWestSky

    Twitter: @vinctee

    Twitter: @torqueflite

    Twitter: @CptTim

    Twitter: @Ferguson2009

    Twitter: @pauladashe

    Twitter: @tonyahale

    Twitter: @barkoh

    Then there's this:

    Twitter: @adamantra

    He's right. As of this morning, Starbucks was up $0.59 a share over yesterday's price.