23 Times Obama Captured The Struggle Of Being The Only Black Person In Your Friend Group

    Sorry, I can't teach you how to dougie.

    1. When you get shown off as everyone's one black friend.

    2. When someone brings up a racial issue and everyone turns to you.

    3. When your friend makes a black joke and you can't think of a comeback fast enough.

    4. When you leave a friend's house and thank them for their bland-ass chicken and green beans.

    5. When everyone expects you to know everything about sports.

    6. When your friends use you as the reason why they can't be racist.

    7. When they try to touch your hair.

    8. When they say something followed by "was that racist?"

    9. When they're singing along to a song that has the n-word in it.

    10. When you try to clap but everyone around you is offbeat.

    11. When they complain about how hard it is to be white nowadays.

    12. When they try to compare their tans with your skin.

    13. When you get invited to a party and everyone's just standing around and talking...

    14. ...And then "Chicken Fry" comes on and you just try to quietly slip away.

    15. When they ask you to rap for them.

    16. When your white friend tries to show you their schmoney dance.

    17. And on the rare occasion they're better at it than you are.

    18. When white people joke about the beautiful babies you would make together.

    19. When you spot another black person.

    20. And you whisper softly in their ear, "Please take me with you."

    21. When someone tells you they don't even notice you're black.

    22. When anyone claims to be a victim of reverse racism.

    23. When someone tells you racism is over because we have a black president.