9 Feature Stories You Can't Miss This Week: Secrets, Siblings, And Silence

    This week for BuzzFeed News, Sandra Allen tells the story of Teresa Sheehan and America's failing mental health care system. Read that and these other great stories from BuzzFeed and around the web.

    1. The Trials of Teresa Sheehan — BuzzFeed News

    2. The Big Lie That Helped Justify America's War in Afghanistan — BuzzFeed News

    3. The Mixed-Up Brothers of BogotáThe New York Times Magazine

    4. How Disaster and Tragedy Spawned a Radical Music Movement in Haiti — BuzzFeed News

    5. Letter to My SonThe Atlantic

    6. The Lost GirlsHighline

    7. The Silent Monkey Victims of the War on Terror — BuzzFeed News

    8. I Spent Two Weeks Tracking a Secret Teen White Supremacist Messaging Group — BuzzFeed News

    9. No, Queer Women Aren't "Just Going Through a Phase" — BuzzFeed News

    Shannon Keating dissects the myriad ways in which female queerness continues to be qualified, belittled, and disbelieved. "It’s only when women are sexual with one another without regard for male pleasure that their sexuality becomes a problem. Fluidity is innocent, temporal. But queerness is a threat." Read it at BuzzFeed News.

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