15 Signs You're Obsessed With Harvest Snaps


    1. This is the greatest sight you can see at the grocery store.

    2. When someone tries to come between you and your Snapea Crisps:

    3. Flavors be like Pokemon: Gotta catch 'em all.

    4. When you realize the fact that the bag doesn't fold up after you've opened it means you have to eat the whole bag, and you're OK with it.

    5. You accept that accidents happen.

    6. This is you when the deli doesn't have any snapea crisps:

    7. You've admitted that you have a problem.

    8. Your priorities are different than other people's.

    9. You don't care when chewed-up crisps get stuck in all the crevices of your mouth because that just means you can savor the flavor longer.

    10. The snacks have affected your social life.

    11. Snapea Crisps are your economic policy.

    12. Your genetic makeup has actually changed.

    13. Snapea Crisps have you assessing your self-worth.

    14. You adjust your calendar for Snapea Crisps.

    15. When you're down to one Snapea Crisp so you smoke it like a cigarette so you don't have to let go of that sweet, sweet pea flavor.