23 Tough Guy Lessons Taught By Sylvester Stallone

    No pain, no gain.

    1. There is absolutely no such thing as being too prepared.

    2. Put work before EVERYTHING. Your family will always be there. There's always another graduation around the corner.

    3. DO NOT throw in the towel, especially if your face looks like a sagging bag of crabapples. That's how you know you're winning.

    4. Living in the past is the only way to live. The future is for chumps. Three seashells? What's that?

    5. Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want.

    6. If your breakfast can't be prepared and consumed in ten seconds or less, you're ~losing~ valuable time and are therefore a loser.

    7. Outgunned? Undermanned? As long as you look the coolest, you'll emerge the victor. Please note: Aviators and grenades.

    8. With the right background music, anything and everything can be accomplished.

    9. If authority is preventing you from being yourself, defy it dramatically.

    10. Sure, keep your enemies close, but keep your friends way closer. You guys might want to collab for a movie someday.

    11. There is no problem, big or small, that you can't tackle ENTIRELY alone.

    12. DON'T LET GO!

    13. "Amateur" and "professional" are just words. They literally don't mean anything. They were invented by losers.

    14. Don't forget: hospitals are for wimps.

    15. Anything and everything is a potential piece of exercise equipment. Improvisation works better than the "real" thing anyway.

    16. Don't let the haters in. If you think you look good, you look good.

    17. Don't let failure get you down. There will ALWAYS be a second chance. And a third chance, a fourth chance, a fifth chance, and a sixth chance.

    18. There's no such thing as a dead or dying career. Age? What even is that?

    19. It doesn't matter who drew blood first. What matters is who draws it last.

    20. Winning is everything. Don't let the losers try to tell you otherwise.

    21. There is nothing more motivating than a worthy adversary. Don't have one? Make one!

    22. If you don't get what you want right away, scream until you do.

    23. Focus on your strengths, and push them to their absolute limits.