Jindal: Obama Made "Moral Case For Socialism" In Obamacare Speech

"He doesn't hide it, he doesn't pretend, we shouldn't either. This isn't new. Those who favor socialism always make the moral case for it."

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says that President Obama made the "moral case for socialism" during a speech Tuesday in which the president defended his health care law.

The president spoke before Catholic Health Association on Tuesday where he argued that Obamacare was entrenched in the "fabric" of American society and could not be repealed.

"Let's call his remarks exactly what they are," Jindal on Wednesday told radio host Mike Gallagher. "He made the moral case for socialism. Let's not sugarcoat it, that's exactly what he believes. He doesn't hide it, he doesn't pretend, we shouldn't either. This isn't new. Those who favor socialism always make the moral case for it."

Jindal added, "in the real word, socialism harms."

"The truth is, maybe they actually believe in it, but in the real world, socialism harms, it weakens the economies of countries that have tried it. It just does," he said. "Weaker economies hurt everybody in them. Socialism kills incentive, opportunity, freedom. It is the opposite of what America is all about. Look, socialism always harms the people it claims to help the most. It handicaps them, leaving them weaker, less self-determined, less free. We should have this debate out in the open."

The Louisiana governor, who is expected to announce his presidential candidacy in the coming weeks, said he believes the president's "moral case" for the health care law was "actually immoral." Jindal said the president lied to the American people and the law was fiscally irresponsible.

"His 'moral case' for Obamacare is actually immoral. Spending money you don't have is immoral. Borrowing more money than you can pay back is immoral. Lying to the American people is immoral, so it's ironic he chooses to use the terms 'moral case' or 'moral imperative' to make the case for what I think is a very flawed law. The Supreme Court, I hope, rules the correct way. We need to repeal this, replace this. Mike, we cannot measure success by how many people are dependent on government. That's what President Obama wants. That is the opposite of what America stands for."

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