Congressman: Obama Executive Action Conspiracy To Make America "One-Party State"

"So make no mistake about it, that this is a part of a grand plan for the Democrat Party to make this nation into a single party state..."

Rep. John Fleming, Republican from Louisiana, said President Obama's executive action on immigration is part of a "grand plan" to make America a "single party state" to fix elections using undocumented immigrants.

"Well there is no question that this 5 or 10 million illegals who were here under this program would receive first of all, a driver's licenses. Then they can get Social Security benefits. They can get tax refunds. They can get earned income tax credit. They can enjoy free healthcare. They can enjoy welfare and the many things that go with that," Fleming said.

Speaking with the John Fredericks Show, Fleming said this was part of a "grand plan" to make the U.S. a "single party state."

"So in many states, the only thing that are required to vote is simply an ID, well they'll have one," he said. "So make no mistake about it, that this is a part of a grand plan for the Democrat Party to make this nation into a single party state, as they have already accomplished in California, and you see the devastating impact it's having there."

Fleming said while many undocumented immigrations were "hard working people" with "great values" they were "consistent Democratic voters."

"You know, the people who come across the border are hard working family people. They have great values, and that's all well and good but they are also very, very consistent Democrat voters. We know they come from cultures that look to government for solutions and so the Democrat Party knows this and they know that if they can't win elections using American citizens, this is a good way to go around that."

"So that's a reason why the good news about all of this is the courts have put a stay on the president's unlawful, unconstitutional executive amnesty, and we think we are going to win, but we hope that stay isn't lifted because a lot of damage can be done in the meantime. "

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