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    50 Signs You Go To Boarding School

    There are few of us. However, we are not just the complaining, wealthy, teenage, kids we are hyped up to be...well sort of...but not really. There is something behind the tears and complaints...we have struggles too.

    1. You constantly get asked if your school is like PCA from "Zoey 101".

    2. You reply, "It is kind of like college, with more rules."

    3. It's more like prison.

    4. You babysit your teachers' children.

    5. You don't get paid.

    6. In fact, there are no jobs to get.

    7. Unless you get disciplinary points...then you are forced to work.

    8. You own about every preppy article of clothing on this planet.

    Abercrombie and Hollister don't count.

    9. Except, you never get any compliments on it, because every else has the exact same boat shoes.

    10. You spend about $200 on pizza a month.

    11. Then your parents ask you where the money they gave you went.

    12. You are required to play sports.

    13. You don't like to work out in your gym because your teachers are over on the other treadmill.

    14. When you apply, you have to take the SSAT and nobody knows what that is.

    15. People from your hometown think you moved to another state, because you live at your school.

    16. You had to read about 5 summer-reading books when you entered freshman year.

    17. Your definition of "hooking up" is completely different then the rest of the world.

    18. Study Hall.

    19. "Promposals" are actually a big thing.

    20. Usually, they occur during morning meeting, so you can't say no.

    21. Public School: Victoria's Secret Leggings+North Face Boarding School: Lulu Lemons Leggings+Patagonia

    22. You refer to public school as "the pubs".

    23. You buy a drink from the vending machine so you can have quarters for laundry.

    24. Your school is in the middle of nowhere.

    25. There is no such thing as "snow days".

    26. However, when there is snow, you become a 7 year old, and become inventive...

    27. Fast internet does not exist.

    28. On top of that, it turns off at "light's out".

    29. Netflix has become your friend.

    30. There is no such thing as secrets.

    31. In fact, rumors spread as fast as the flu and colds do.

    32. Room Inspection.

    33. Community Dinners.

    34. Crawling through the window when you get locked out of your room.

    35. Then, you use that as an excuse for when you sneak out.

    36. People from your hometown think the PG's (Post-Graduates) at your school must be crazy.

    They refer to it as "graduating without actually leaving".

    37. You rely on online shopping.

    38. You use your laptop in class to check twitter instead of taking notes.

    39. There is always that one kid who happens to be Bill Gates daughter or something.

    40. You just realized that you are part of the .03% of high schoolers who go to boarding school.

    41. Your class size doubled sophomore year.

    42. Senior Prank Day is usually pretty awesome (usually).

    43. You have a long break off in march when no one else does.

    44. Your school has some weird traditions.

    45. You praise dress-down days because they only occur about once every 4 months.

    46. Pick Two: A Social Life. Good Grades. Sleep.

    47. Well, there goes my chances at being the top of my class.

    48. Urban Dictionary usually has an accurate description of your school.

    49. Your boarding school friends will be your best friends in your life.

    50. And then in a blink of an eye you have graduated...