How To Make Cannabis Oil In Your Slow Cooker

    This recipe is part of our Danksgiving party menu.

    Cannabis Oil Recipe — Crock Pot Method

    Oils with the highest fat content, such as olive and coconut, will absorb more cannabinoids (THC/CBD), resulting in higher potency. Canola oil also works well as it is mild in flavor and can be incorporated into many recipes. I choose to make my oil in a Crock-Pot. It's a super easy method that requires very little baby-sitting.


    2 cups of oil

    1 to 1.5 ounces of dried cannabis (depending on quality/strength)


    Slow cooker

    Pot or large bowl

    Fine mesh strainer


    1. Pour oil into the Crock-Pot.

    2. Add cannabis and stir to completely cover herb with oil.

    3. Heat on lowest setting for 3 hours.

    4. Allow mixture to cool (8-9 hours).

    5. Repeat heating and cooling process up to two more times for increased potency.

    6. Pour the oil/herb mixture through the strainer and into your bowl/pot.

    7. Use a large spoon to press and recover more oil out of the herb.

    8. Discard herb material.

    9. Store finished oil in tight-sealing containers and refrigerate.

    This recipe is part of our Danksgiving menu. See the full menu here.