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    Revolutionizing LIFE (tm)

    This holiday season, give an old board game some new LIFE. Children of all ages love this classic game (currently #65 within the Amazon Board Games category). Here's how to add their experiences within this popular game "for ages eight and older".

    Lets Update LIFE for All Ages!

    Why Include Children's Experiences?

    Materials Needed:

    1. Take the spinner and place in the center of the paper, tracing it with a pencil or marker.

    2. Stick the paper over the board game. Figure out where the college/career lines match up

    I can't really display this step because of the new edition I obtained, but I hope it makes sense to curve the lines down near the end of the spinning island, blocking off into their own spaces just above the College/Career arrow

    3. Determine the amount of spaces you want for children's experiences.

    4. Write out the different LIFE choices

    5. One space (somewhere in the middle-ish) should be an Pay Day/Allowance spot for $5000

    Here's the math:

    At the age of eight (second grade), my theoretical middle class American child starts receiving $10 a week

    That's $520 in one year.

    By the time this child is 18 years old (and therefore, according to the inherent rules of the game, 'independent'), s/he will have received $5200.

    Since there is only a 5,000 bill option, we will assume that the parents forgot a couple of weeks over this ten year period (like mine), leading to the $200 loss.

    *In the new version, there is no 5,000 dollar option. Rather, we will assume that this lucky child was given $20 a week allowance, reaching a $14,000 lump sum if the allowance sum is drawn into the game. However, this space is not as necessary because gameplay now requires that each player receive $200,000 at the beginning of the game, indicating that allowance/massive family inheritance in that person's life before LIFE totalled up to $200,000.

    6. After writing in all the spaces, close off the spiral.

    7. Cut

    8. Don't Freak About the Overlap

    9. Play!