13 Crucial Money-Saving Charts You Wish You Knew About Sooner

    Dolla dolla bills, y'all.

    1. Follow this simple budgeting rule so you can keep more of that cash money:

    2. For smart spending, know the perfect times to buy your essentials.

    3. Avoid common money mistakes that make you spend without knowing it.

    4. For a quick way to save $$$, unplug certain appliances.

    5. Set and keep track of your money goals with a few choice apps.

    6. When it comes to groceries, store everything the right way to make sure it lasts as long as possible.

    7. And to keep from wasting money, freeze specific foods when you can.

    8. Make sure you don't over-buy for a party you're hosting.

    9. Instead of getting a whole new wardrobe, just freshen up your classics:

    10. To keep gas from becoming a money pit, try these car tricks:

    11. When you plan your next vacay, pick a location that fits your budget.

    12. And when it comes to booking a flight, a little strategy can save some serious dollars.

    13. If you’re traveling abroad, know how tipping works at your destination so you don't overspend.

    Now save that ~paper~.