It's Been A Week, And Everyone Is Still Incredibly Mad About Q&A

    Malcolm Turnbull tells an ABC host he's "lost the plot" as the rest of us send threats to the ABC and draw faces on potatoes. Australia, what the hell is going on?

    Nearly a WHOLE WEEK after Zaky Mallah appeared on Q&A and everyone is still EXTREMELY CRANKY.

    Everyone is so mad at everyone else, it's hard to keep track. So let's recap.

    First of all, the government is angry at the ABC for letting a former terror suspect get on the television and say things!! To a government minister of all people!!

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    Cabinet minister after cabinet minister gave interviews throughout the week dressing down the ABC. The prime minister described the show as a "lefty lynch mob" and said the national broadcaster had betrayed Australia.

    The ABC is mad at itself for the "error of judgement" that allowed Zaky Mallah to join the audience and ask a question.

    But Tony Abbott said that was not enough! He was still mad! He announced an urgent government inquiry into the ABC and said "heads should roll over this."


    It's a twisted ideology that paints the ABC as friends of Daesh

    Even Bill Shorten had a go! Kinda.

    The ABC got mad at the government for trying to tell them what to do!

    News Corp was so mad at the ABC that they put the ABC logo on an ISIS flag!

    Even Tony Jones seemed to realise how far #theirABC had sunk - Jihadist threats live from #qanda audience. No one in charge.

    The Australian's Chris Kenny was the first conservative columnist to light a fire that would become a raging furnace of hot takes about Q&A and the role of the ABC. Bill Leak drew a cartoon of a headless Tony Jones.

    Heaps of Australians got mad at News Corp for their front pages!

    It's almost if News Corp has put the ABC symbol on ISIS flags #auspol

    While heaps of other Australians got mad at the ABC, and sent so many threats to Aunty that it had to go into security lockdown mode in offices around the country.

    Today on Insiders, host Barrie Cassidy got mad at Malcolm Turnbull for trying to undermine the ABC's independence!

    Then it was Malcolm's turn to get mad at the ABC for putting its audiences lives in danger, telling him "you've lost the plot, Barrie!"

    People are so mad they're drawing faces on potatoes now??

    It's got something to do with Kevin Andrews boycotting Q&A but really who even knows anymore.

    And everyone's mad at Zaky Mallah.

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    Partly for his criminal history, partly for his comments on the show, partly because of offensive things he's said on social media but mostly because of his stupid hat.

    Waleed Aly laid into him for misrepresenting the Muslim community in Australia, but then some people got mad at The Project for giving Mallah another public platform.

    But then some people got mad at those people, because they said we should air all sorts of views on TV, even if we disagree with them, because free speech and democracy, y'know?

    We've all been mad at each other for a whole week now, and it's goddamn exhausting.

    Oh. Shit.