We Played "Would You Rather" With "Gotham's" Victor Zsasz

    Anthony Carrigan might actually be a criminal mastermind.

    1. Would you rather lose an eye or lose both hands?

    2. Would you rather have permanent clown makeup or permanent clown clothes?

    3. Would you rather only be able to tell the truth or only be able to lie?

    4. Would you rather be stuck in Los Angeles gridlock for an hour or be stuck on the New York subway for an hour?

    5. Would you rather have a finger for a tongue or tongues for fingers?

    6. Would you rather be able to turn into mist at will or lead a crew of sexy assassins?

    7. Who would make a better Zsaszette? Barbara or Leslie Thompson?

    8. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with Ed Nygma for five hours or spill a drink on Penguin?

    9. Would you rather find true love or win the lottery?

    10. Would you rather only eat tacos or pizza for the rest of your life?

    11. Would you rather get dumped via text message or in front of all of your friends?

    12. Are you more of a real-life superhero or a real-life supervillain?

    You're too sneaky for us, Mr. Zsasz!