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21 Things All Brits Did At School That Would Get You Fired Now

Pro tip: Don't play kiss chase in the office.

1. Deliberately causing gas leaks in the workplace.

2. Pulling down your co-workers’ trousers.

3. Firing elastic bands in your colleagues’ eyes.

4. Doing all your work using Wordart.

5. Or even better, wingdings.

6. Chasing your co-workers around the office and trying to kiss them.

7. Setting fire to all your colleagues' stuff.

8. Spending the day drawing squares with your desk neighbour instead of doing any actual work.

9. This awful game.

10. Trying to blind your boss.

11. Needlessly slapping your co-workers in the dick.

12. Handing in all your work on a floppy disk.

13. Sticking wet toilet paper to the ceilings in the hope that it’ll later fall on someone’s head.

14. Stabbing co-workers in the leg with your compass.

15. Smacking the person next to you whenever you see a yellow car.

16. Flicking ink all over your colleagues’ backs when they aren’t looking.

17. Getting in a fight on the bus to work so that you can sit at the back.

18. Hiding the fact that your Powerpoint presentations say absolutely nothing with loads of crap animations.

19. Testing this theory on your co-workers' legs.

20. Going out with and then dumping everyone in the office several times a month.

21. Drawing dicks all over your colleagues' work.