19 White Lies All Best Friends Have Told Each Other

    Because sometimes reassurance is more important than the truth.

    1. "I've already deleted it."

    2. "You look perfect in that, honestly, now come on, let's go."

    3. "You look absolutely incredible."

    4. "It wasn't that bad."

    5. "Yeah I agree, they looked so much better when you were together."

    6. "I heard they're completely miserable; it sounds like you're handling the breakup much better."

    7. "Can I borrow your top?"

    8. "You made out with [insert Person They Really, Really Would Never Want to Make Out With here]."

    9. "Yeah, I hate them too."

    10. "Drunk calories don't count."

    11. "I'll be there in, like, 10 minutes."

    12. "I'm not going to tell you."

    13. "No, I haven't watched any more episodes."

    14. "I'm not that drunk."

    15. "It's fine – I wanted to go home anyway."

    16. "No, I didn't text them."

    17. "I'm never having sex ever again."

    18. "OMG you were SO loud."

    19. "Everything is going to be OK."