13 Things You Should Never Say To A Latina When Dating

    "Ay, que spicy."

    1. "I'm really into Latinas."

    2. "I hear you guys have a bad temper. I better watch out!"

    3. "Are you spicy?"

    4. "Say something sexy in Spanish."

    5. "Wow, your name sounds so exotic."

    6. "Hey mami."

    7. "Call me papi."

    8. "Latinas are used to machismo."

    9. "I hear Latinas are wild in bed."

    10. "I like Latinas because I want a big family."

    11. "Latinas are just all so girly and feminine!"

    12. "Mmmm, Latinas are curvy."

    13. Introducing us as "my Latina girlfriend."

    So how DO you flirt with a Latina?

    Say hi.