27 Times "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" Described Your Sibling Struggles

    Siblings: Can't live with them. That's it.

    1. When your brother or sister borrows your stuff without permission and then asks how they look.

    2. When you can admit your siblings are annoying, but no one else better say a damn word about them.

    3. When your parents call you by all your siblings' names before remembering yours.

    4. When you're clearly the favorite.

    5. ...And when you're clearly NOT the favorite.

    6. When you consider yourself a grown-ass adult, but THOSE FOOLS make you regress.

    7. When a sibling eats the leftovers your were clearly saving for yourself.

    8. When your siblings fart in the car.

    9. When you stumble upon your brother or sister's search history.

    10. When one of your siblings puts an empty cereal box back in the kitchen.

    11. When your sibling brings a friend over for dinner.

    12. When an argument starts turning into a TBT of past fights.

    13. When a teacher calls you by a sibling's name.

    14. When your sister or brother has a crush on someone awful.

    15. When you catch a sibling sucking up to your parents.

    16. When you know your siblings didn't get their bad taste from you.

    17. When you move away from your siblings for the first time.

    18. ...And then when they visit you.

    19. When your brother or sister walks in on you changing.

    20. When you all gang up on your parents.

    21. When a sibling asks to borrow your laptop.

    22. When a brother or sister forgets your birthday.

    23. ...And when they get mad that you've forgotten their birthday.

    24. When one of your siblings has entered a life stage you don't understand.

    25. When you realize a sibling is totally turning into your parents.

    26. When you know you can totally be your true, weird self around your brothers and sisters.

    27. ...And you love the funny, kind, weird people they are, too.