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15 Things Latinas Are Tired Of Hearing

Please reserve "spicy" for Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

First, there are all the food-related terms...

1. Like "spicy."

2. Or "fiery."

3. Or "caliente."

4. Or, lord, "Hot Tamale."

And let's talk about the "Angry Latina" trope.

5. Talk about a self-fulfilling stereotype.

6. Coupled with the stereotype that we're "loud."

7. Or "mouthy."

8. Oh, and "sassy."

9. "Impassioned" and "passionate" are also coded words used to describe us.

Then there are the words used to talk about our ~*sExiNeSs*~

10. We're so "exotic."

11. Or that we're just so "hot" and sexually available.

12. Or that we're all "curvy."

13. Or that Latinas are your "type."

14. Especially if you call us "Spanish girls."

15. And when we're asked to "say something sexy in Spanish"?

Basically: There is no one way to be "Latina."