16 Gross Moments Dog Owners Know Too Well

    ...On a scale of zero to five dog poops.

    1. Smelling your dog's dinner from five years ago on its breath every time your pup kisses you.

    Gross rating:

    2. Watching in horror as your dog gets excited to see you.

    Gross rating:

    3. Watching in even more horror as your dog gets excited to see all of your guests.

    He just really, really loves your mother-in-law.

    Gross rating:

    4. Smelling poop but not finding it.

    Gross rating:

    5. The realization that it's not a matter of if, but when your dog will eat its own vomit.

    Gross rating:

    6. Watching in defeat as you realize your dog has scooted its butt alllll over everything you love.

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    7. Two words: Dog. Farts.

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    8. Two more words: Dog butts.

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    9. Trying not to gag when feeling the warmth of your dog's business through a poop bag.

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    10. That moment you learn that female dogs, too, have times of the month if they're not spayed.

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    11. Kissing your dog and being rewarded with a sneeze.

    It's like a scene from Aliens.

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    12. If you have a wrinkly-faced dog, you recall that moment you discovered that all kinds of nightmares live in those folds.

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    13. The moment you realize that, yes, that smell is normal. And that's when your dog is clean.

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    14. Discovering that your walls now have a vibrant yellow pattern.

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    15. Learning that your dog likes to watch.

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    And the single grossest moment that comes with being a dog owner....

    16. The moment you realize you love your dog so much it's practically disgusting.

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