• Valentine's Day badge

15 Candy Hearts All Awkward People Need On Valentine's Day

Let these candies do all the awkward mumbling for you.

1. When you need to tell someone "hi" after they've already walked away.

2. When you're really into the fanfic you've created for yourself:

3. When you have to explain why you can't meet your crush's gaze:

4. When you lean in for a kiss and it ends in disaster:

5. When your heart does the funky chicken:

6. When your timing is perfect:

7. When you get hot and/or bothered:

8. When you feel like coming clean:

9. When you get caught Instagram stalking:

10. When this moment inevitably happens:

11. When you never have any idea how to greet people:

12. When you can't even flirt by phone without awkward-ing it up:

13. Whenever this happens in public:

14. When your body and physics and time and space all work together to betray you:

15. When you just need to admit it: