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This Woman Is 6 Foot 3 Inches Tall, Weighs 20 Stone, And Gets Paid By Guys To Squash Them

Meet Amazon Amanda. Her story is really quite cute.

Here's Amazon Amanda visiting New York for a session with one of her smallest fans, the 5'3" Sergio Miranda from New Jersey, USA.

He adores her and it's actually really sweet.

She grew too big to be a mainstream model, but became an Amazon model, and today she's worshipped by fans all over the world.

The most extreme request she got was from a terminally ill client who asked her to crush him to death.

Obviously there's kind of a suggestive nature to her work, but she insists nothing sexual ever happens.

She says: "Although some of my clients get aroused during the sessions, Iʼm never naked and there is never any sex involved."

By the age of 12 Amanda was 6 feet tall and weighed more than 12 stone.

"I was growing so quickly and I didnʼt know how to adjust. Now I embrace being tall – if Iʼm going out with tall friends Iʼll wear heels so I donʼt have to be the shortest."

She loves her job, but says: "Dating sucks – finding guys who arenʼt intimidated by my height is so hard. I actually prefer shorter men, between 5'7" and 5'10"."

"Short guys try harder, which I appreciate. They are used to being the underdog."

Here's a video of Amanda and Sergio together.

View this video on YouTube
