This Post Is Guaranteed To Make You Smile

    Ok, you're having a terrible day – it happens – let's turn to the unstoppable power of the Internet. Buckle up.

    1. Right, here's a cat cuddling a teddy.

    2. Here's a rich man (reminder: unmute all Vines).

    3. Alright then. Let's try a really strong tweet.

    hi, grandma? can u come pick me up from my rap battle? it's over. no, i lost. he saw u drop me off & did a pretty devastating rhyme about it

    4. Here's a llama that only wants to talk money.

    5. Still nothing? How about some surprise derp?

    6. What about an extremely pumped child?

    7. Or we could try some old fashioned fail.

    8. Here's another very good tweet.

    [sees girl reading The Catcher in the Rye] "Ah I love that book. The way he just [clenches fist] catches all that frickin rye."

    9. And here's a cat having a quiet word with her dog.

    10. Ok then, let's meet Nora.

    11. How about a dog humiliating its owner?

    12. Maybe we need some classics. Here's one of the greatest pranks of all time.

    13. Here's another really strong tweet.

    If a bear attacks you, play dead. Ok good, you're about to feel like this forever

    14. And here's a truly magnificent Vine of a red panda (which you absolutely need to unmute).

    15. Here's some proof we live in an uncaring, unjust universe.

    16. Fine. Let's step it up. Here's further proof.

    17. Here's another extremely strong tweet.

    Welcome to Sarcastic Club Im sooo happy to see you all Anyone know the 1st rule? "Be less sarcastic?" Ooo lets have this guy teach the class

    18. Here's what happens when you put the hours in to your dog's training regime.

    19. And this is a quite splendid fail.

    20. Yeah, you're cracking. Right, sprint to the finish. Here's some life advice.

    21. Here's a superb twerking fail.

    22. Here's another A+ tweet.

    I wonder if Superman ever put glasses on Lois Lane's dog & she was like, "I've never seen this dog before. Is this a new dog?"

    23. Here's an important lesson in commitment.

    24. And let's finish with dogs. If dogs don't work, nothing will. Here's the worst hunter ever.

    25. Dogs.

    26. There, that must've done it. Now just remember to...