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26 Simple Tricks To Make Your Kids Do Whatever You Want

They have so much energy; shouldn't it be channeled into making your life easier?

1. Get them to give you a soothing massage.

2. Make a trade for chores.

3. Hide healthy vegetables in desserts.


5. If all else fails, resort to playing with their food.

6. One Direction turn teeth-brushing into a mouth-party.

7. Teach saving habits early with a compartmentalized piggy bank.

8. Keep them from doing dumb stuff online.

9. Get them to always wash their hands.

10. Instill in them a love of math.

11. Turn picky eating into a game.

12. Sweeping can become a game too.

13. So can doing basically all chores.

14. Get them to clean their rooms.

15. (This way is just downright cruel.)

16. Make sure they don't fall in.

17. Let them think they're helping you play your videogames.

18. Keep the peace.

19. Keep them safely in bed.

20. Keep their hair and toys intact.

21. Let baby animals do the nagging for you.


23. Teach which shoes go on which foot.

24. Make sure they never miss curfew again.


26. Tell bullies what's up.

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