17 Faces Everyone With Student Loans Will Recognize, As Told By Disney Characters

    Gettin' intimate with FedLoan.

    1. Realizing when you graduate that you have only six months to get your shit together before the payments kick in.

    2. But time keeps pushing everything forward and suddenly the payments are here.

    3. Making that first payment and watching that money just disappear into the ether.

    4. Calculating how many years it'll take you to finally pay off everything.

    5. Trying to budget your life around when that next student loan payment will hit.

    6. Realizing one month that you're not going to be able to swing the payment this time.

    7. The first time you have to actually get on the phone to explain your circumstances.

    8. Trying to explain to them what exactly it is that you need.

    9. Feeling like you have money to spend on fun things this month...only to realize you forgot to take into account the giant money black hole that is your loan.

    10. Getting that "Your student loan bill for the month is now available for viewing" email.

    11. Saying goodbye to your money right before the payment goes through.

    12. And then looking at your bank account right after the fact.

    13. Checking the total balance of what you still have to pay off.

    14. Daydreaming whirlwind scenarios in which some kind stranger comes along to pay off your debt.

    15. Or wishing for a windfall of money to come your way through some gig that could miraculously pay it all off at once.

    16. Any time people without student loans try to judge yours.

    17. And realizing just how many people in your generation and beyond are in the same boat as you.