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Give Your Favorite Fictional Couple A Happier Life With This Game Of MASH

Is your one true pairing doomed and/or being dragged in all directions? Soothe your soul here, friends. Imagine better for us all with this fluffy alternate universe.

Look, we've all got that fictional couple who tugs at our heartstrings.

And whose story is just way to sad to accept.

Which is why we all sometimes just need to pretend that those things never happened and that everything is FINE.

And so if you're too caught up on the doomed-ness of it all — or if you just want to rest your brain for a second — picture your OTP in your brain and play this game of OTP MASH. Revel in the gentle alternate universe fluffiness.

Hit the comments with more specific details of the kind of life you pine for for your OTP.