12 Things There Should Be A Word For

    It's on the tip of your tongue.

    1. The tiny patch of hair missed when shaving.

    2. The feeling of righteous but futile fury when replying to a comment online.

    3. The taste of someone else's chips.

    4. The urge to steal something when drunk.

    5. The collection of nondescript but also seemingly important bits of paper kept in a wallet.

    6. The shame you feel upon eating your lunch before noon.

    7. The self-conscious feeling when you walk out of a hairdressers and you're convinced everyone 'knows'.

    8. Being justifiably cross with someone for something they did to you in a dream.

    9. The voice that people use when speaking to their pets.

    10. The gesture that bus drivers make to each other when passing by.

    11. The panic upon seeing that there is only one strand of toilet paper left.

    12. The brief, unattainable, time period where a pear is perfectly ripe.