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20 Red Pandas Who Are Delighted To See You After So Long

It's OK, they know you've been busy.

1. "Hi! It's wonderful to see you!"

2. "It's so nice of you to visit."

3. "And you brought cake!"

4. "How was your trip?"

5. "You have photos? Show me!"

6. "And your parents, how are they?"

7. "You must tell your dad I say hi."

8. "Hang on, I've got something for your sister here."

9. "How's the job? You were always so smart."

10. "A promotion? You deserve it!"

11. "No, no, you do. You're a good worker."

12. "You look great. Have you been going to the gym?"

13. "I agree, healthy eating is best."

14. "Not that you need to — you always look great to me."

15. "Things are lovely over here."

16. "Just hanging out, really."

17. "What's that?"

18. "Oh! You're too funny."

19. "I'm so glad we were able to catch up."

20. "Let's not leave it so long next time."