Paid Post

11 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Online Advertising

Because billboards are so two-thousand and late.

1. This was the first banner ad on the internet.

2. Over 5.3 trillion banner ads were served to U.S. users in 2012.

3. Ninety-nine percent of Web users do not click on ads.

4. And 8% of the people who do account for 85% of ad clicks.

5. Not to mention that up to 50% of mobile ad clicks are accidental.

6. Early internet users started calling junk ads and email "spam" after a Monty Python sketch.

7. The U.S. is the largest online advertising market in the world.

8. Pizza Hut was one of the earliest adopters of their own online store.

9. When an online ad follows you from site to site, it's called "remarketing."

10. Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature costs the company $110 million in ad revenue every year.

11. Internet ad spending alone surpassed 39.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2012.

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