17 Times The Internet Told The Truth About Money

    Dat cash.

    1. When it captured the feeling of getting even a small raise.

    2. When it understood your fetishes.

    3. When it explained how you go shopping.

    4. When it captured the struggle of finding somewhere to live.

    5. When it invented the perfect TV show.

    6. When it gave you new career goals.

    7. When it pointed out your occasional inconsistencies.

    8. When it imagined this critique of modern culture.

    9. When it accurately depicted your feelings about college loans.

    10. When all your fantasies were explained.

    11. When it proved that any sale is better than no sale.

    12. When it figured out what you'd prefer more than free sodas.

    13. When it called out banks.

    14. When it captured the moment right after the direct deposit hits.

    15. When it reminded you that your bank account is silently judging.

    16. When it captured the holiday struggle.

    17. And when it just hit the nail perfectly on the head.